Services Offered
Non- NHS Services: Medicals, Reports & Private Certificates
Some services provided are not covered under our contract with the NHS and therefore attract charges. Examples include the following:
- Medicals for pre-employment, sports and driving requirements (HGV, PSV etc.)
- Insurance claim forms
- Firearms licence applications
The fees charged are based on the British Medical Association (BMA) suggested scales.
Time spent completing forms and preparing reports takes the GP away from undertaking their NHS work which must be prioritised. GPs have a very heavy workload and because of this it is difficult for us to say how long it may take us to complete non-NHS requests. Whilst we will do our best, it may be worthwhile researching other services which may be able to do this for you. Equally, when you deliver a form or private work request to the surgery it does not mean that we have agreed to complete it, and it may take us some time before we are able to assess this, so again it may be worthwhile researching other services which may be able to this for you.
There are certain requests that we will not agree to. This includes:
- Complete letters stating that people are or are not fit to attend court or be part of jury service.
- Provide “fit to….” letters for anyone doing any activity, as we are not insured to undertake these.
- Complete Power of Attorney or for capacity issues coming directly from patients. These questions should be addressed to a private psychiatrist or a solicitor.
- Complete forms for work which would be better dealt with by occupational health.
- Letters of support or “To Whom It May Concern” letters eg for housing applications
This is list is not exhaustive, and we will review requests for private work on a case by case basis and will inform you as soon as we can if we are unable to accept the request. For this reason we strongly advise patients to research alternative options if your request is a time sensitive one.